Light up and swipe

Hey everyone. Just wondering if the features that let the phone light up and then also the swipe to turn off feature got dropped or are bugged currently or if I’m doing something completely wrong with it. I’ve been playing with it for a while now and haven’t gotten either feature to work. I’m currently using everything updated so I’m running iOS 8.2 on a 5S, Yosemite 10.10.2 on my macbook and Qlab3 3.1.9

I’ve just run a test and it does work (although it didn’t display the post-swipe landing screen as it should… I’ll have to fix that in the next version) - I’ve attached a picture of the test action for your reference

basically, this test is pretty bare bones - I just have MIDI & background turned on in the settings screen - and the action will vibrate 10 times when triggered, unless someone swipes on the lock screen…

as I said - this works for me… so, as long as the device is responding to triggers the swipe to stop should work…

(on a totally separate note, I’ve noticed that the pickup to stop is COMPLETELY broken on an iphone6)

(EDIT: oops - I screwed up the images - should be fixed now)

oh wait! - do you have ios notifications for stagecaller turned on?

you need to go into the settings app, find notifications, and check if stagecaller has “allow notifications” on (as well as “show on lock screen” and probably everything else too)